Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Youth Trips!

Youth trips are exhausting! Little sleep and crowds of teenagers will wear you out. And yet, the trips are incredible blessings. Every year our group attends a retreat called Meltdown. And every year the trip is amazing. This year was no exception. I love seeing hundreds of teenagers worshipping together. I love the games and conversations in-between the services. I love having communion together and sharing with each other what we've learned. I love staying up late and sleeping on couch beds (ok, that one was a lie).

But one of the things I've learned in youth ministry is how important it is to provide positive memories for young people. So many of them feel lost. They don't have a positive view of themselves or their lives. Teens are constantly questioning their identity and their existence. Some of the best gifts we can give them during these difficult years are positive memories. 

Trips like Meltdown provide such memories. Trips like Meltdown can plant seeds of faith that will last a lifetime. I feel very privileged to be a part of teenager's live at such a critical time in their development. I feel blessed to be a part of such a great youth team and I feel even more blessed to be a part of this youth group. They never cease to amaze me!