Friday, March 30, 2012

30 Hour Famine

On April 20-21, our youth group will participate in World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine. We’re fasting for 30 hours to get a taste of hunger—and to raise money to help feed and care for hungry kids and their families around the world.
You can help by (a) praying for our students and by (b) sponsoring our students through a donation. We will have youth out and about on Sunday if you would like to make a donation.

World Vision is a Christian relief and development organization dedicated to helping children and their communities worldwide reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty. Motivated by our faith in Jesus, we serve the poor as a demonstration of God’s unconditional love for all people. We serve the world’s poor – regardless of a person’s religion, race, ethnicity, or gender.

World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine started in the U.S. 18 years ago as a way for junior high, high school and college-age students to help save – and change – children’s lives. By going without food for 30 hours and raising money to help needy children, young people experience true hunger and learn powerful lessons of compassion for those who live with hunger daily. By gaining a deeper awareness of the needs in our world, your teen will realize that they can play a vital role in making a difference.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Teenagers: THEN VS. NOW

Here's an interesting pic that shows the drastic changes we have seen over the past 30 years in our teenagers. I'm only 28, but I can remember a time before cds, cell phones, and high speed internet. The amount of change in my short lifetime has been incredible. Just think...what will happen in the next 30 years?

Saturday, March 17, 2012

TED Talk

An incredible message by Bryan Stevenson...perhaps one of the best TED talks I've heard. One of my favorite quotes by him:

“The opposite of poverty is not wealth, but justice. We will not be judged by our technology, intellect, or reason. Ultimately, the character of a society will be judged not by how they treat the powerful, but by how they treat the poor.”

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Ultimate Training Event

A great/affordable youth worker event is coming up soon. I will be attending and will be leading one of the seminars.

March 31-- Christ UMC in Mobile, AL

$20 Per Person (Groups of Four get a Fifth Free)

Keynote Speaker: Charles Harrison
Charles is a gifted communicator educated in youth ministry, theology, and adolescence. With experience leading groups large and small, Charles is perfect for this diverse training event.
Charles is particularly passionate about a Wesleyan Model for ministry, and leads the center for Wesleyan renewal that focuses on applying Wesleyan theology to practical ministry. He is currently the CEO and Executive Director of the Youthworker Movement/CMYX which seeks to be an association of youth workers who connect for mutual support and the sharing of resources.

And Trey Hill Band will be leading worship during the main sessions.

We have updated the schedule as well, and are looking forward to seeing you here:
8-9 Registration
9-10 General Session with Headline
10:10 - 11 Mini-Seminars
11:10 - 12:30Seminars (Headline and whoever)
12:30 - 1:50 Lunch & Headline Q & A (Optional)
2:00 - 3:20 Seminars:
3:30 - 4:30 Closing Session with Headline
See the website for more info: Ultimate Training Event


As a college basketball favorite time of the year is here! My bracket is filled out and I have challenged my youth to a friendly competition over at ESPN.

My final four--Kentucky, UNC, Ohio State, and Michigan St.
I have Kentucky winning it all. What do you think?

Some highlights from last year...

Thursday, March 8, 2012

What Kind of Adoption?

Once you make the decision to adopt, the next question is who and where? Infant or older child? Domestic or international? What about race or gender?

Often these discussions about where and who can get heated and judgmental? Some people think domestic adoption is the only route? “We should take care of our own first!” Others think that the need overseas is greater because most countries do not have the foster care system our country can provide. Therefore, children from other countries are the most in need. Honestly, I think whoever and wherever you adopt is incredible! I think each family needs to prayerfully discern their own adoption journey. The need is great here and abroad. Every orphan needs a home and every child needs a family.

With that said, our family is currently involved with a domestic adoption agency. This agency typically finds matches with mothers before they have the child and the mother is able to pick a family she feels comfortable with. Also, after much prayer and conversation, we have put in for a minority child. There is a great need in our country for those willing to adopt children who are minorities. There are numerous parents lined up for Caucasian infants, but not near as many for biracial or African American children. Most people living in the Southern States are aware of foster care systems overloaded with minority children.

Again, this is our calling as a family and others may be called differently. A child in need is a child in need. The important thing is for us as Christians to be open to God’s leading. Will we go where he tells us to go? Will we do what he tells us to do? I know one thing…there is nothing better than following Christ and being in the center of his will.

Domestic Adoption Resources:

Father's Heart Adoptions
Christian Adoption Consultants
The Adoption Center
Adopt Florida
National Adoption Foundation

Thursday, March 1, 2012

What Youth Workers are Doing?

Often people are not sure what youth ministers do...I think each pic has an element of truth in it.