Thursday, July 14, 2011

Mission Trip Update -part 2

Our mission trip is still going one has been hurt, no one has gotten in trouble, and no one has cried! We had a free day yesterday. We had a relaxing time at a mall and watched a movie together. In the evening we had an epic game of kickball. My decision to play basketball and kickball on top of the mission work was not a good one. Most of us are sore, but everyone is still working hard.

Our devotion was on Matthew 25 as we discussed how seeing the face of Christ in each other and in those we serve impacts our mission work. Jesus tells his disciples in verse 40: "I assure you, whatever you do for the least of these my brothers and sisters; you were doing it for me!" Both the motivation and the importance of service is heightened once we realize that it is Jesus himself who experiences the effects of our ministry...or lack of it. We have had some incredible discussions about appreciation, gratitude, love, and worship. I'm tired...but feel blessed to be a part of this group. Two more days to go!

Youth working hard on the roof

Roman driving the bus...just kidding
Cari and Josh looking cool at the mall