Everyday Ideas to Build Lasting Faith in Your Kids
Presented by First United Methodist Church Crestview
Reverend Brandon Dasinger (Associate Pastor and Student Minister)
When: This Sunday (2pm-3:30pm)
Cost: Nothing! ...and free child care is available.
Who: This seminar is for parents (and grandparents) of kids of all ages. No matter the age of your kids, it's never too early or too late to build sticky faith.
Why: As a student ministry our desire is to minister to students AND their families. We know it is not easy being a parent and we want to do everything we can to help.
Where: Crossroads Center (youth room)
Summary: Research shows that almost half of graduating high school seniors struggle deeply with their faith. Many drop out of church completely. However, the news is not all bad. Research also shows some things that we can do as parents to encourage our children's spiritual growth so that it will stick with them in adulthood.
Please feel free to share this event with others. No registration required...just show up!
Here is a video that gives some more info...