This Sunday our youth ministry will begin a new small group series called: "Ancestors: The Old Testament." We will be looking at the faithfulness (and messiness) of several key figures of the Old Testament. More importantly, we will see God's faithfulness and grace despite the flaws of his people. And hopefully we will begin to see that we are a part God's redemptive story as well.
We are using a curriculum from Spark House. Our student ministry did adjust the curriculum some, but overall Spark House has some amazing resources. Their videos are very well done. Below is an example.
Session 1 Adam
and Eve
The Lovable Mess-Ups
Session 2 Noah
The Obedient
Session 3
Abraham and Sarah
The Ordinary
Session 4 Moses
The Frustrated Leader
Session 5
The Exasperated
Session 6 David
The Flawed and
Beloved King
Session 7 Elijah
The Get-R-Done Prophet
Session 8
The Invincible